How to Carry Out an Energy Renovation? –

Carrying out an energy renovation allows you to save energy on your bills while respecting the environment thanks to lower energy consumption. Here are some renovation tips while following, step by step, an effective plan.

There are four essential steps to carrying out an efficient energy renovation:

  • Carrying out an energy audit
  • Carrying out thermal insulation work
  • Choosing more ecological heating
  • Improving the ventilation system

Carry out an energy audit to know what work to carry out

Thermal bridges: air leaks to spot

Before even starting energy renovation work, you must know the weaknesses of the home and identify potential thermal bridges. That is to say, identify air leaks that prevent the home from retaining heat and being well insulated.

Generally, these thermal bridges are located at the connections between the walls and the roof or the walls and the joinery. They are generally created by joining two materials.

For example, 40% of air leaks in a house are made up of electrical equipment (notably wall boxes). It is therefore necessary to perfectly join the elements together.

A thermographic audit to identify insulation defects

A thermographic audit carried out by a professional is ideal for quickly identifying the presence and intensity of thermal bridges present.

If the insulation is good, the thermograph displays cold colors outside since the heat inside the home does not pass through the walls.

If warm colors appear, this indicates air circulation and therefore poor insulation. The opposite effect must be observed within the home.

Undertake energy renovation work

The different types of energy renovation work

Once the thermal bridges have been identified, it’s time for work. You will not necessarily have your entire house to insulate, but only the places where thermal bridges have been identified.

Here are the different types of energy insulation work that can be undertaken:

  • Roof insulation
  • Attic insulation
  • Wall insulation
  • Floor insulation
  • Replacement of poorly performing windows and joinery

For each of these parts, different techniques can be used. It’s up to you to choose the one that best suits your accommodation. Same thing for the order in which to carry out this work: it will be prioritized according to the lack of insulation.

Choose ecological insulation if possible

Different types of insulation exist on the market:

  • Synthetics
  • Minerals
  • Of plant origin
  • Of animal origin

Each has its particularities and does not have the same thermal performance. It will therefore be necessary to decide between them and opt for the one which is the most efficient and the most respectful of the environment.

Indeed, ecological thermal insulators are more popular than ever in modern renovations. Their choice contributes to compliance with certain standards and responds to a major issue concerning the protection of the planet, complementary to energy renovation.

Opt for more ecological heating

Alongside better insulation, changing your heating system to choose one that is more efficient, less energy-consuming, and therefore more ecological is a necessity. It is possible to opt for:

  • Solar heating
  • Wood heating
  • Heat pumps

This type of heating therefore responds both to current ecological issues and also to an increase in the price of fossil materials. These two reasons push many individuals to install new heating methods which will therefore allow them to save on their energy bills.

Improve your ventilation system

Finally, good insulation also requires the evacuation of water vapor produced by occupants. In order not to saturate the air with humidity, which can cause mold and various health problems, it is necessary to effectively ventilate your home.

Good ventilation also promotes the evacuation of toxic gases present in all housing. This can be through controlled mechanical ventilation (VMC), a more widespread system, but also through other effective techniques to be chosen based on the audit carried out beforehand.

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