How to Renovate a House on a Small Budget? –

Renovating a house on a small budget: this is an interesting challenge to take on. In this adventure, every detail counts to achieve the maximum possible savings while not neglecting the quality of the insulating materials used, nor that of the work carried out.

Whether it is an overall renovation or a few elements to improve within the home, it is possible to follow some renovation tips that will undoubtedly optimize the quality of the house’s insulation without exceeding the planned amount.

Here are the main recommendations for renovating a house on a small budget:

  • Do most of the work yourself.
  • Benefit from assistance measures for housing renovation.
  • Implement various tips to improve insulation without carrying out work.
  • Focus on renewable energy for your heating system.

Do as much work as possible yourself

The first solution that seems obvious when you want to renovate a house on a small budget: carry out as much work as possible yourself. No need to be an outstanding handyman, it is possible to carry out insulation work by obtaining information beforehand, spending a little time, and being very careful.

Here are some possible insulation jobs:

  • Replacement or improvement of the insulation of windows and joinery.
  • Insulating the attic from the inside.
  • Insulating walls from the inside by gluing insulation boards.
  • Insulating floors above an unheated room.

Certain works such as the insulation of low floors, the insulation of the roof from the outside, or the insulation of the walls from the outside must be carried out with the help of service providers.

This is also the case for certain insulation techniques such as interior wall insulation using a metal frame which require particular expertise.

Ultimately, it is up to each person to judge what they feel capable of achieving or not. The important thing is to reduce the cost of the work and therefore save on labor, without impacting the quality of the work carried out.

Apply for various renovation aids

Thanks to the various aids offered by the government, particularly to renovate your thermal strainer, it is possible in certain cases to call on professionals without exceeding the planned budget.

Ma Prime Renov

Ma Prime Renov offers financial assistance for the energy renovation of one’s home, regardless of the applicant’s income. This may involve the renewal of the heating system, the ventilation system, or simply insulation work.

The Prime EEC

The CEE Bonus is granted by energy suppliers to owners who wish to carry out energy renovation work in the form of vouchers and various reductions.

The zero-rate eco-loan

The zero-rate eco-loan is granted by certain banks. The amount loaned can reach €50,000. It is granted to individuals who wish to carry out thermal insulation work or an overall renovation of the home.

It should be noted that all of this aid is subject to the condition that the work is carried out by a professional recognized as an environmental guarantor (RGE).

A calculation must then be carried out by individuals because it can be more profitable, thanks to these financial mechanisms, to renovate a house on a small budget by using a service provider.

Use various tips to improve insulation

To improve the insulation of a home and avoid carrying out excessive work, there are many simple tips to implement. For example, it is possible to install insulating curtains to prevent the coolness of the window panes from cooling the ambient air.

Furthermore, laying a thick carpet on the floor helps reduce the feeling of coolness and helps improve insulation.

All of these tips combined make it possible to significantly improve the insulation of a house with a lower budget than for carrying out major work.

Install a heating system that uses renewable energy

Finally, although this represents a significant investment that can be reduced using financial measures, choosing a heating system that runs on renewable energy is interesting in the long term. Indeed, a solar installation heats the water in the home with free and unlimited energy

from the sun’s rays. The same is true for heat pumps which use calories present in the air or in the earth to produce heating. In this way, it is possible to achieve significant heating savings by opting for these concepts.

Read also: How to Restore an Old House?

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