How to Transform an Old House Into a Passive House? –

A passive house is a home whose energy consumption is reduced to a minimum. In the case of a renovation of an old house, if you wish to transform it into a passive house, it is necessary to first carry out an energy audit.

According to the report, work is proposed to you to improve the comfort of your home (reinforcement of thermal insulation, replacement of windows, installation of a ventilation system, etc.).

To validate this passive renovation, among the renovation advice, it is a question of having it certified by the EnerPhit label.

Carry out an energy audit to transform an old house into a passive house

This thermal study is recommended because it allows you to take stock and identify energy flaws in your home. It takes place in three stages:

  • Collection of information about your home: age, materials, equipment;
  • Infrared thermal study to identify possible mold, pipe leaks, or poor insulation;
  • Inspection of spaces likely to be energy leak areas such as the roof.

Following this assessment, the professional gives you a complete and detailed report on the condition of your house. It is accompanied by recommendations for work that can be carried out for the transformation of your old house into a passive house.

The work necessary to transform an old house into a passive house

Improve thermal insulation

A passive house is a house in which there is no heating system, or at least it is used very little. It is therefore necessary to eliminate thermal bridges by reinforcing the insulation, particularly that of the attic, but also the walls which represent 20% of losses, and the floors.

Replace your windows

Windows represents 15% on average of heat loss. For your old house to become passive, it is therefore necessary to change the single-glazed windows to double or even triple-glazing.

Install an efficient ventilation system

The best system to install is double-flow controlled mechanical ventilation (VMC): it allows you to renew the air while warming your home. This element is essential knowing that the air inside a home is five to six times more polluted than the air outside.

Replace your domestic hot water production system

If you use a hot water tank, which consumes a lot of energy, it is necessary to replace it and opt for a system using renewable energies:

  • a thermodynamic water heater: this is a hot water tank and an air-water heat pump;
  • an individual solar water heater: a system of solar panels that heat the water contained in a cumulus cloud.

Install solar panels

Adding photovoltaic solar panels to renovate your old house into a passive house is a plus. Very practical, they allow you to capture the energy of the sun’s rays to convert them into electricity. You thus produce your energy and are autonomous.

Have your house certified with the EnerPhit label

This label will add value to your home because it guarantees that the thermal objectives are achieved following the renovation of your old house. A building design and construction professional verifies that your home complies with the criteria of the international Passive Building standard.

It is good to know that the level requested for this label is not always achievable for old houses depending on their orientation, for example, which must be to the south. But by getting closer to the passive standard thanks to certain works, you considerably improve the comfort of your home.

Read also: How to Carry Out an Energy Renovation?

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