Car Insurance Without Down Payment in 2024

The law requires you to take out at least third-party car insurance to drive legally on public roads. If you have just purchased your vehicle, you need to take out car insurance quickly to be able to use it and if possible at a lower cost.

Online car insurance with no down payment meets these needs and together we will see everything you need to know about it: the advantages, the disadvantages, the best online car insurance with no down payment, and the advantages of our online comparator.

Car Insurance Without Down Payment

Car insurance without down payment: what is it?

When taking out your car insurance contract, most insurance companies ask you to pay the first month’s premium in advance. The costs when signing up for car insurance can be significant for some people because you must also pay application fees (costs linked to the various administrative procedures necessary to establish your file).

With no down payment online car insurance, you can get coverage for your car without needing to pay the first month’s premium in advance.

Therefore, you simply need to pay the application fees and once your membership application has been validated your car insurance contract will take effect immediately and you will quickly receive your provisional green card by email.

Online car insurance without immediate payment is available for the 3 car insurance plans:

  • third-party car insurance
  • intermediate car insurance
  • all-risk car insurance

On the other hand, with car insurance without a down payment, you are required to pay the following contributions. This may seem obvious, but if for any reason (debit problem, change of bank, etc.) one of your payments is not made, your insurer has the right to terminate your contract.

Consequently, you risk being included in the AGIRA file as a bad payer and you may encounter difficulties finding a new insurer.

To give you more flexibility and adapt to your financial constraints, insurance companies generally offer several payment methods:

  • monthly payment
  • half-yearly payment
  • annual payment: some insurers also offer reductions if you choose this type of payment.

The advantages and disadvantages of car insurance without down payment

As we have just seen, car insurance without a down payment allows you to insure your car by limiting costs at the time of membership. This solution has advantages and disadvantages, which is what we will see in this part.


This solution has advantages for people who do not have the finances to pay a deposit when taking out their car insurance and who are looking for cheap car insurance. 

Online car insurance without immediate payment is also interesting for people who do not have a bank card and who wish to take out car insurance online.

The inconvenience

Taking out car insurance online without a deposit does not always save money. Some insurers offer you the first free contribution, but they make you pay it later by spreading it over your next monthly payments.

For example, if you have an annual contribution of €560, your car insurance costs you €46.7/month (560/12). If your insurance company offers you the first month’s premium, it may pass this offer on to future monthly payments. So, from the 2nd month, you will have to pay €50.9/month (560/11) instead of €46.7/month.

In this case, online car insurance without a deposit costs less at the time of subscription, but in reality, you do not make any savings in the long term.

The best online car insurance with no down payment

The best online car insurance with no deposit is the one that best suits your profile, your needs, and your budget. In addition, to calculate the amount of your contributions, insurance companies take into account several criteria such as your bonus-malus, your age, the date you obtained your license, the tax capacity of your car, your city of residence, etc.

Therefore, if you are looking for the best car insurance, we advise you to follow these steps:

  • Take into consideration the different elements that influence the price of your car insurance to assess your needs. To do this, ask yourself the right questions: what is the fiscal power of my car? What is my bonus-malus? How long have I been insured? How do I park my car (private garage, public road, etc.)? What is my city of residence? When did I get my driving license?….
  • Select the car insurance plan best suited to your profile: once you have identified your needs, you must determine the car insurance contract that suits you. To do this, you must choose from the 3 car insurance packages offered by insurers.
  • Look at the exclusions of guarantees: these are situations in which your guarantees do not allow you to obtain compensation from your insurer. They vary from one insurer to another, so remember to check them carefully in the general conditions of your contract.
  • Consult the different advantages offered by your insurer: in addition to the contract coverage, you can be interested in the different advantages and services offered by insurers: sponsorship system,  connected car insurance, a network of partner garages, loan vehicle in the event of a claim, zero deductible option, etc.

The advantages of an online comparator to find car insurance without down payment

There are numerous car insurance offers on the market and it is not always easy to find the offer suited to your profile and your needs. Our online comparator is there to help you find your car insurance contract without a down payment.

Buy car insurance online to save time

Our online comparator allows you to save time when searching for your car insurance contract. Indeed, rather than having to go around to physical agencies or contact all the insurers to find the best offer, you can find the one that suits you in a few clicks. To do this, simply follow the different steps and provide the requested information on your profile or your car.

Find cheap car insurance using the online comparator

Our online comparator highlights several car insurance offers, some of which are specially designed for the web, such as  Direct insurance or  Lolivier insurance. These insurers offer contracts with attractive guarantee/price ratios. 

In general, we advise you to regularly compare car insurance, because the prices and the various promotional offers change regularly.

Read also: 6 Tips to Save on Your Car Insurance Premium

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