Top 10 Free Online Ministry Degrees in 2024

Free Online Ministry Degrees: In today’s world, several free online ministry degrees have been made available to people around the world. If you are someone looking to earn a ministry degree online, this article has been well-designed to give you the help you need.

With cutting-edge technology, students can now acquire valuable education and a recognized/accredited degree in any academic discipline from their comfort zone.

Online education is slowly taking over traditional education. And the good news is that online education is more affordable than traditional education.

Free Online Ministry Degrees

With online education, you can save a lot of money. You will be able to save money that would have been spent on transportation, accommodation, health insurance, and other costs associated with traditional education.

This article will list some of the best free online ministry degrees and where you can find them.

Top 10 Free Online Ministry Degrees in 2022

Here is the List of Top 10 Free Online Ministry Degrees in 2022

  1. Bth: degree in biblical theology
  2. BMin: Bachelor of Christian Ministry
  3. BRE: Bachelor of Religious Education
  4. MDiv: Master of Divinity
  5. MBibArch: Master in Biblical Archeology
  6. DRE: Doctor in Religious Education
  7. ThD: Doctor of Christian Theology
  8. DrApol: doctor in Christian apologetics
  9. Associate of Divinity
  10. Bachelor of Divinity.

1. Bth: degree in biblical theology

Institution: International (free) training seminar in theology (ISDET)

With this program, students will gain a detailed foundational understanding of apologetics, theology, the Bible, and worldview.

This program is designed for those who want to study the basics of the Bible and theology. If you want to pursue a career in ministry or enjoy teaching the scriptures, you should enroll in this degree.


2. BMin: Bachelor of Christian Ministry

Institution: International Seminar for (Free) Distance Education in Theology (ISDET)

The Bachelor of Christian Ministry degree is designed for those interested in Christian ministry.

Students will learn leadership, church management, apologetics, the Bible, and theology.


3. BRE: Bachelor of Religious Education

Institution: International Seminar for (Free) Distance Education in Theology (ISDET)

This is a graduate program that gives students a well-detailed foundational understanding of apologetics, theology, the Bible and worldview, and the art of spiritual communication.

The program is also intended for those who wish to enter the formal ministry of teaching and counseling.


4. MDiv: Master of Divinity

Institution: International Seminar for (Free) Distance Education in Theology (ISDET)

This is a graduate program in theology related to Christian ministry.

Students will gain a well-detailed basic understanding of apologetics, theology, the Bible, and worldview. It also gives a deep and broad understanding of ministry-related topics.

The program is intended for people who want to study the basics of the Bible and theology and who want to enter a service-oriented ministry.


5. MBibArch: Master in Biblical Archeology

Institution: International Seminar for (Free) Distance Education in Theology (ISDET)

This program provides a solid foundation in biblical archaeology. It focuses on important topics related to Christian apologetics, biblical studies, and historical understanding of the Bible.

The program will be useful to people who enjoy learning the Bible and archaeology, and who want to use it in their biblical teaching of Christian apologetics ministry.


6. DRE: Doctor in Religious Education

Institution: International Seminar for Distance Education (Free) in Theology (ISDET)
Duration: 2 years

This program is intended for individuals who wish to apply for a very detailed study and specialization in Christian education.

It is perfect for people who plan to make biblical education and training an important part of their ministry.


7. ThD: Doctor of Christian Theology

Institution: International Seminar for Distance Education (Free) in Theology (ISDET)
Duration: 2 years

This program is designed for people who want to gain an in-depth knowledge of Christian theology.

It is suitable for people who want to make biblical theology an important part of their ministry.


8. DrApol: doctor of Christian apologetics

Institution: International Seminar for (free) distance education in theology (ISDET)
Duration: 3 years

The Doctorate in Christian Apologetics is designed for individuals who want to expand their knowledge of Christian apologetics.


9. Associate of Divinity

Institution: College of Christian Leaders (CLC)

This degree is designed to help students grow closer to Christ, deepen their understanding of the Bible and theology, develop a biblical overview, and serve God in different types of Christian ministry and leadership.

Additionally, the diploma can provide an excellent foundation if you wish to obtain a bachelor’s degree at CLC.


10. Bachelor of Theology

Institution: College of Christian Leaders (CLC)

This degree is designed for individuals who want to grow further in their relationship with God, gain an in-depth knowledge of the Bible and theology, and serve God through preaching and other types of ministry.

CLC’s Bachelor of Theology degree trains students for ministry and also prepares students for further study.

The Bachelor of Theology degree offers a double major: a major in Bible/Theology and a ministry major.

What is a ministerial diploma?

The Diploma of Ministry is a degree designed for individuals who wish to gain knowledge in biblical, religious, and theological areas. A ministerial degree is useful for people who are interested in teaching Christianity.

Are there free online ministry degrees?

Yes, there are some free online ministry degrees. But, you should know that these diplomas are not completely free. Tuition is free but you will need to pay a registration fee, application fee, or administration fee.

About Schools That Offer Free Ministry Diplomas

Let’s briefly talk about schools that offer quality and tuition-free study programs in ministry studies.

International Seminar for (Free) Distance Education in Theology (ISDET)

ISDET was created by a group of very dedicated and conservative Christians to provide the highest possible quality of free theological education via distance learning.

The International Seminar for Distance Education (Free) in Theology is one of the largest free distance Bible seminars in the world.

ISDET also provides students and website users with free e-books on Bible studies.

College of Christian Leaders (CLC)

With the support of Vision partners, CLC offers tuition-free courses and low-cost accreditation programs.

However, students will have to pay application and administration fees. The administration fee costs $1,500 for CLC degree programs.

The CLC operates a scholarship program for students who cannot afford the administration fees.

Christian Leaders College is authorized to offer exempt religious degrees through the Florida Commission on Independent Education. CLC is accredited by the International Association of Bible Colleges and Seminaries (IABCS).

Free Online Ministry Degree FAQs

Who offers these free online ministry diplomas?

Free online ministry degrees are provided by tuition-free Bible colleges and seminary schools around the world.

Why are most free Bible colleges not accredited?

Most free Bible colleges do not prioritize accreditation, especially regional accreditation. This is because these colleges are not funded by the government.

Can I use these free online ministerial degrees to look for a job?

It depends on where you want to work. If the main reason you want to earn a ministry degree is to get a job, you should be willing to spend money to earn accredited degrees. Indeed, most accredited Bible schools do not offer tuition-free degrees.


Whether you are a pastor or someone seeking knowledge about the Bible, theology, and Christianity, these free ministry degrees will help you develop a good understanding of many ministry topics.

And the good thing is that you don’t need to take physical classes, you can enroll in one of the free online ministry degrees from your comfort zone. All you need is a device with a fast network and unlimited data.

We hope you were able to find a free online ministry degree that is right for you.

Read also: Top 7 Low-Cost Accredited Online Bible Colleges

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