Mortgage Loan Comparison: Make The Right Choice –

If you want to compare mortgage loans, The Mortgage Credit Center is there to answer all your requests. Whether to do an online credit simulation or make an appointment, we support you in your mortgage project. 

With our expertise and experience, we will be able to help you find the best mortgage loan for you. Please don’t waste any more time, contact us now.

How can we help you?

The Centrale du Credit Hypothecaire responds to the most popular requests for comparison of mortgage loans. As an independent mortgage credit intermediary, we are committed to providing our customers with the best credit offers on the mortgage market. Here are some of the most common questions we receive:

What is a mortgage comparison and why do you need one?

A mortgage comparison is a detailed analysis of the different mortgage credit options available on the market. It allows you to compare the interest rates, repayment terms, and fees associated with each mortgage loan. It is essential to have a comparison of mortgage loans to make an informed decision and choose the loan best suited to your needs and financial situation.

Why choose La Centrale du Credit Hypothecaire for my mortgage loan comparison?

La Centrale du Credit Hypothecaire is an independent mortgage credit intermediary. We compare all banks and credit unions that comply with the FSMA to provide you with the best credit offers in the mortgage market. W

e offer personalized service, in-depth expertise, and independent advice to help you find the best mortgage.

How can I compare mortgage loans online with La Centrale du Crédit Hypothecaire?

To compare mortgage loans online, simply complete our mortgage loan simulation form on our website. We will then provide you with a list of the most advantageous mortgage loan offers based on your needs and financial profile. 

You can also make an appointment in one of our agencies located in Brussels, Charleroi, Nivelles, Rhode-Saint-Genese, or Liege to discuss your needs in person.

What are the criteria to take into account when comparing mortgage loans?

When comparing mortgage loans, it is important to take into account several criteria such as the interest rate, the duration of the loan, the application fees, the compulsory and optional insurance, the early repayment conditions, and the refinancing options. 

You should also consider your financial ability to repay the loan and your short- and long-term goals.

Should I choose the mortgage with the lowest interest rate?

The interest rate is just one of many factors to consider when choosing a mortgage. It is important to consider all of the terms of each loan as well as your personal needs and financial situation. Sometimes a mortgage with a slightly higher interest rate may offer better repayment options or more flexible terms.

Does La Centrale du Credit Hypothecaire work with all banks and credit unions?

Yes, La Centrale du Credit Hypothecaire works with all banks and credit unions that comply with the FSMA. We are an independent and neutral intermediary, which means we are not tied to a single financial institution. Our goal is to find the best mortgage loan offers for our clients based on their needs and financial profile.

What is FSMA and why is it important when choosing a mortgage?

The FSMA (Financial Services and Markets Authority) is the Belgian regulatory body that supervises and regulates financial institutions and financial services. It is important to choose a mortgage loan from an institution that complies with the FSMA, as this ensures that the loan meets standards of transparency, consumer protection, and good practice.

What is the difference between a fixed-rate mortgage and an adjustable-rate mortgage?

A fixed-rate mortgage has a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan. This means that your monthly payments will remain the same for the duration of the loan, which provides some financial stability. 

On the other hand, an adjustable-rate mortgage has an interest rate that can vary depending on fluctuations in the financial market. This can result in variable monthly payments, which can be beneficial if interest rates fall but risky if rates rise.

Does La Centrale du Credit Hypothécaire offer mortgage loans for real estate investments?

Yes, La Centrale du Credit Hypothecaire offers mortgage loans for real estate investments such as the purchase of a rental property or the construction of a building. We work in collaboration with our partners to offer you financing solutions adapted to your investment projects.


In conclusion, La Centrale du Credit Hypothecaire responds to all requests regarding mortgage credit. Whether you need a mortgage comparison, advice on choosing the best mortgage loan, or an online simulation, we are here to support you. 

Make an appointment at one of our agencies or do a credit simulation online today to find the mortgage loan that best suits your needs and financial situation.

Read also: How to Save Money on Your Mortgage

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