That’s why I made sex with Olli public

Cora Schumacher made public an alleged affair with Oliver Pocher, which the comedian made fun of mercilessly. This is difficult for Cora to bear.

In the jungle camp, Cora Schumacher (47) caused a stir with a revelation. There she reported about an alleged affair with Oliver Pocher (46). But while the jungle camper was still raving hopefully about the romance on ” I’m a Star – Get Me Out of Here.

“, Olli made fun of Cora’s statements online and on various stages. Cora now explains to “ Bild ” how much that hurt her.

Cora Schumacher feels “pretty hurt”

“To be honest, I feel quite hurt. It’s one thing to deal with criticism, but it’s completely different when someone makes fun of things that are very close to me – like my health or my intellect,” explained she.

The fact that her family was not spared from Olli’s taunts also bothers her: “The idea that they could be hurt because of a fleeting mockery is unbearable for me.”

Cora Schumacher hopes to be able to help others

“It breaks my heart,” Cora explains, thinking about Oliver publicly questioning her feelings and the alleged affair: “We live in a time where we should be encouraging women to speak out, not forcing them into it To raise doubts. It’s not just about me.

It’s about creating space for all women’s stories, without prejudice.” In the jungle camp, she only wanted her truth to be heard “without denying myself.”

Cora hopes that by sharing her story she can help other people who have had similar experiences. She also wishes for the future: “I can see myself in a light that is filled with trust, love, and self-acceptance.”

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