Top 5 Best Universities in England –

Do you want to study abroad? And why not in England? To know the ten best universities in the country and their particularities follow our complete guide. And before you take off don’t forget to take care of the essentials plane ticket student insurance subscription to a local mobile plan and if necessary currency conversion and registration with a British bank.

Top 5 Best Universities

1. University of Oxford: the best university in Britain

First in this ranking, Oxford University is particularly known for having inspired Hogwarts the establishment serving as the setting for the Harry Potter saga. But beyond this pop reference which helps to get an idea of ​​the appearance of the place Oxford is above all one of the most prestigious universities in the world. 

To enter students must write a cover letter pass a series of tests – IQ argumentative logic mathematics etc. – and pass an interview with a member of the university. It is preferable to have a good level of English but not necessarily to be 100% bilingual. 

So are you ready to try your luck? The year of study costs around 10,000 euros and the uniform is compulsory during exams as well as for other events and ceremonies.

2. University of Cambridge: the oldest university in England

Who hasn’t heard of Cambridge? Students from all over the world are rushing to get into this university established in 1209 making it one of the oldest in the world. Located less than two hours from London by car it offers its students an ideal setting from residences to amphitheaters including lawns refectories and other sports fields the entire complex benefits from an undeniable charm.

Every year, several hundred French students apply but only a few dozen are accepted. Not surprising, when we know that over the years almost 100 Nobel Prize winners have studied in these places. Please note: note that it is not possible to apply to both Oxford and Cambridge.

3. University of London: the most international in the United Kingdom

First positive point of UCL (University College London)? It is one of the most international in the country, with nearly 18,000 foreign students out of 39,000. The second positive point? The university is located in the heart of the British capital, within walking distance of King’s Cross Station, St. Pancras International Station, and the British Museum. 

Created in 1826, the establishment has always been known for its open-mindedness: in the 19th century, it was the first to accept students without conditions of religious affiliation and to award diplomas to women. To register, in addition to the rigorous tests, it is necessary to speak impeccable English and to have obtained a “Good” or “Very good” rating in the Baccalaureate.

4. Imperial College London

The specialties of Imperial College? Engineering, science, medicine, as well as business studies. Here, however, the divisions between disciplines tend to be abolished, to provoke an effervescence conducive to innovation. 

For example, a master’s degree in the carbon economy was recently created there; it is located at the frontier of economics, sciences, and medicine. Highly selective, Imperial College is known for being one of the most innovative establishments in the world, both in terms of quality of teaching and quality of life for students. 

The university recently included a school of design. Like the University of London, it is located in the heart of the city, in South Kensington.

5. University of Bath

Bath is a city generally little known to the French. However, it is only an hour from London, and its university is one of the most attractive in England. In 2014, the Times Magazine even awarded it the coveted title of “Best Campus in England”. 

With more than 17,000 students, the University of Bath has nothing to envy of its London competitors. Here, we specialize in all kinds of fields: engineering, management, sociology, and even psychology.

Read also: The Best Universities in The USA

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